Our Funding Priorities

It is our obligation to help the disenfranchised. A small act can make a real difference and have a significant impact on future generations. Your generous donation will go a long way to helping people in need.

Educating the Future

In Africa, like everywhere in the world, education is the foundation of a bright, strong, and successful future. The building blocks for tomorrow depend on necessary resources and skilled, knowledgeable individuals who can bring our children into the 21st century. Without proper funding, these children, as well as the areas they live in, will continue to struggle to survive. The hope and faith they have will be lost in a sea of missed opportunities. This should never be the future for anyone – no matter how they begin this journey we call life.

Please help shine light on the future of our children by donating now.

Small Business

In 2017, the African Economic Outlook (AEO) reported sluggish economic growth in that time period. With poverty so prevalent across this continent, it is important to propose solutions that will help ease the plight of many. One important way this can be achieved is through encouraging entrepreneurship. When the government is more accepting of and encouraging of entrepreneurship, they will see an estimated 4.3 percent of economic growth. Experts believe that entrepreneurship can be exactly what Africa needs to start seeing more successful economic development on the continent.

Help grow the economy by investing into the entrepreneurship fund. Please donate!

Making Healthcare a Top Priority

Healthcare is a concern for people across the globe, but it can be particularly concerning to those who live in Africa. Our health is our most precious gift—one that is often overlooked until illness or disease strikes. This is never truer than here in Africa where resources, skilled care teams, and medicines are often scarce. 


In a country filled with illnesses that wreak havoc on families and communities, such as AIDS, Malaria and other diseases that are communicable in nature, it can be hard to treat these illnesses in rural and distant villages. While technology and innovation are changing the global healthcare grid work, Africa still suffers greatly in this area.


It’s more than just dealing with epidemics like malaria or HIV/AIDS. There are many concerns that need to be addressed in Africa so that people can live happier and healthier lives.

The Human Spirit

Human rights offenses in Africa are a common occurrence, which is why organizations are trying to improve the situation, especially for women. We hope that these initiatives will help improve the human rights situation on the continent.

Help grow the economy by investing into the entrepreneurship fund. Please donate!

Arts & Culture

Wanderlust Experience

TaraXBella (pronounced “Tara & Bella”), an independent RnB and neo-soul music duo based in Abuja, Nigeria, were seeking sponsorship for a series of music concerts TaraXBella are passionate about inspiring our listeners and sharing positive messages through our music and other forms of media, and it is for these reasons that despite the difficulties they have faced as independent artists, they continue to push themselves to continue creating music that will help and encourage others. TaraXBella want to do their part to show more young women in our society that they, just like us, can have a vision and with hard work and dedication, make their visions come to pass.

Poverty Alleviation

In recent years, there has been a focus on how to eliminate poverty in the sub-Saharan region. The goal would be to reduce inequality, improve education, and create policies that encourage economic growth. Policies that focus on macroeconomics can be especially important for financial flexibility and high growth.

Nobody should go to bed hungry! Please donate!

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