2022 Project

Community Support – Angels of Hope Foundation Annual Christmas party at New Mitchell’s Plain Hospital Pediatric Ward

Angels of Hope CPT Foundation Annual Christmas party at New Mitchell’s Plain Hospital Pediatric Ward on 24th December 2022

Angels of Hope CPT is a Non-Profit Organization that lends a helping hand to its communities and various small charities.

A few years ago Angels of Hope CPT adopted the Pediatric ward as one of their chosen charities to work with. You may ask why?

New Mitchell’s Plain Pediatric Ward, well the answer is simple.
Children have a special place in our hearts they’re young and innocent souls. They
should be free running around and playing freely, not tied to a hospital bed, so every year during Easter and Christmas period we arrange with the doctor on duty at the hospital if we Angels of Hope can have a party for these kids just to cheer them up a little bit.
Our aim as the team of Angels of Hope CPT is to bring a smile upon the faces of these little young children and their parents

In preparation for this event we reach out to friends, families and organisations for any donations and contributions,
in order to make this event a success.
Whatever we still need for the event my sister and I as well as the rest of the team will contribute. This year we were blessed and received a donation from Feinberg & York Foundation, which we where very grateful for in order to give the Christmas party to these amazing kids.

Upon arrival just to find out on that day there were only babies in that ward. However just to see the gratitude of their mom’s, gran’s and the nursing staff that day was priceless. So what we did for that day was we took cakes, cookies, biscuits, chips, yogurts and cooldrinks and gave them a small party. What we also did was handing out party packs for the girls and boys.

It was a few hours of joy, happiness, compassion, gratitude and thankfulness.
We as Angel’s of Hope CPT would like to extend our gratitude to Feinberg & York Foundation
for your generosity.

If it wasn’t what God had instill in your heart this wouldn’t have been possible
A big thank you to the Doctors and Nursing staff of the New Mitchell’s Plain Hospital (Pediatric Ward) Your sacrifices passion ,care, dedication and love for those kids is undeniably appreciated.
May god bless your all your labours of love towards humanity
Thank you from the Angels of Hope CPT Foundation 🙏💕